
Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fools!

April Fools. A day to prank, laugh, share, etica. Even though its not nice, playing some seemingly harmful pranks once in a while is how we maintain our sense of humor. Today, on April Fool's I decided to play a small prank on my friend, Rob, mentioned in an earlier post.

Mel Molly: >.>
 Я●╬○V۞boyzsst۞: <.<
 Mel Molly: Don't even look at me Rob >.<
 Mel Molly: I hate u ~
 Я●╬○V۞boyzsst۞: what happen? :O
 Mel Molly:  Just kidding. XD HAPPY APRIL FOOLS!
 Mel Molly: It was a prank Rob
Mel Molly: Don't worry Rob, you'll always be my friend =]
 Я●╬○V۞boyzsst۞: Your evil XD
Mel Molly: I know. =D

Also I spent almost all my money on 2 shirts, so now I'm poor again. *Sad* But this is what the art of saving is for.
In other news, I'm building a SUPER HUGE AWESOME 2nd floor on the top of my "club" thing.

The thing is that I'm building it super slowly. Whenever I have extra money I'm not going to use, I use it to buy blocks.(i.e. I have 2,276. I can buy two more blocks.) It is looking really good. But I still do not know what I'm going to build with it. 
While I'm still rolling with the news, I want to inform you that not a lot of people are reading this blog. There are also no followers. So basically, I'm going to go to all my friend's rooms, and their friend's rooms and tell them about my blog. On their message board. Which is going to be.  A Lot. Of. Work. Hope I can handle it!

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